Screw DIY Projects

So I had  12 free hours to myself so what did I do?  I started a damn DIY that I saw here and tried to duplicate the clutch I saw here. Not a good idea, as these things always seem more fun than they really are.

You know those blogs that make it all seem so easy? Well, it’s not. So I will  spare you the smiles and bullshit. Here’s the REAL truth.

By the time you go to Micheal’s craft store & make small talk with people who live for a DIY like it’s the holy grail, and then dodge your way around all the guys aimlessly wandering through Home Depot with their eyes glazed over (like you’d I’d be at Barneys when the Rick Owens shipment has just arrived), you are already exhausted.  And let’s not even discuss finding an American Apparel store that has these neutral clutches in stock, because every blogger in the world has been caught up in this damn DIY craze, and in turn, created mass hysteria with girls everywhere to “just try it!”.  ** The DIY bloggers are like crack dealers in my opinion**

After you take a bubble bath (and down some tequila) to get over the insane adventure to just frigging buy the supplies,  it’s time to tape your clutch off with a design so you can paint. Be prepared to measure and re-measure so your stripes go exactly where you want them, which is not easy after any type of alcohol. So my advice is this: don’t drink. Until after. Because you will need it.

Then it’s like watching paint dry. Literary. By the time all is said and done I could have spent the time/money on the Clare Vivier striped clutch that you can just “click and order” here, and that way the tequila wouldn’t have been wasted.

Anyone have any other good DIY stories to share?



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